The SHINE 13 Moon Council is Calling!

The SHINE 13 Moon Council is Calling!

The opening of the Gregorian year of 2023 brings with it unprecedented opportunities to harness the WISDOM from rEVOLutionary Ancestors such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and John Lennon to SUPPORT our initiative to BE THE PEACE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Natural cycles reflect that WE are NOW revisiting the energetics of 1971 (Mayan Lunar Calendar) and 1963 (Chinese Lunar Calendar). Both of these times in history were incredibly influential upon humanity's AWAKENING to the potentialities to coCREATE a PEACEFUL, EQUITABLE, EMPATHIC, and JUST reality for ALL. IMAGINE what is possible NOW!

I AM HONORED to invite you to become a member of the SHINE 13 Moon Council. This Council is gathering for a live virtual Ceremonial Activation Circle on or around each Full Moon. Full Moons are times of completion in which our SACRED FEMININE POWERS of INTUITIVE SIGHT, VIVID DREAMING, and E-MOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE are heightened. As a Council UNITED in our call to BE a LOVING, HEALING PRESENCE for ourSelves and our world, WE are harnessing the energies of the Full Moons to ATTUNE, AWAKEN, and ACTIVATE ourSelves into FULL EXPRESSION of our personal and Collective DIVINE MISSIONS.   

In addition to the live Virtual Circles, I AM sharing audio, video, and written transmissions specifically for the 13 Moon Council that will SUPPORT you in HARMONIZING with Cosmic ASCENSION cycles and ALIGNING with archetypal imprints of the DIVINE Human which are ready to be born within you! 

By choosing to join the SHINE 13 Moon Council, you will RECEIVE the EVOLutionary navigation tools needed to FLOW with the winds of change with EASE, GRACE, LOVE, TRUST, HARMONY, CONNECTION, and JOY... You will be joining hearts with a Council of INCREDIBLE SOULS who are ready, willing, and able to EMBODY the SACRED path of PEACE BUILDERS.

March Equinox 2021

March Equinox 2021

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Today, March 20th (Solar Moon Day 14, Kin 96 Yellow Overtone Warrior) is the March 'Vernal' Equinox, by far ONE of the most POWERFUL days of the year. For eons of 'time', our ANCESTORS have CELEBRATED this passage as a Cosmic moment of ASCENSION, in which Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants are flooded with the LIGHT of our GREAT Central SUN.

To say that the energies of this Equinox Portal are intense is putting it mildly...As more LIGHT continues to flood Mother Earth, the darkness REVEALS itself...a darkness that has been part of our Collective reality for centuries. The continued denial, repression, and gas lightning of this darkness will only give it more fuel for its fires of devastation and destruction...

NOW is humanity's moment to see the darkness for what it truly is and vow to do the HEALING work necessary to TRANSMUTE and TRANSFORM it once and for ALL.

This HEALING work is not for the faint at is the work of the Lion HEARTed...the SPIRITual Warriors who are willing to HARNESS the COURAGE to STAND UP for the REALIZATION of SACRED SOVEREIGNTY FOR ALL ADVOCATE for the RETURN of REVERENCE for ALL LIFE...

The road ahead is a long ONE, yet I can share with complete certainty that WE indeed were born for these times...

May WE BECOME LOVE IN ACTION...the EMBODIMENT of the PRAYERS of our ANCESTORS...the PROMISE of LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL...the HOPE of the generations to come...

In Lak'ech ( I AM another yourSelf),

Heather Elizabeth

OPENing the 2020 Eclipse Season

OPENing the 2020 Eclipse Season

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

SUNday, November 29th (Overtone Moon Day 15, Kin 245 Red Spectral Serpent) officially began the Eclipse Season that is GUIDING US out of this unprecedented year of 2020. 

You are most likely already feeling the expansiveness of these energies...they are not subtle. It is my INTENT to FLOW into this time of RECALIBRATION with my mind and heart OPEN and I AM inviting you to join me in this INTENT. 

 I enCOURAGE you to share in a ceremony with me in HONOR of this POWERFUL opportunity to EMBRACE the POTENTIALITIES of the Eclipse Season by creating space to CONNECT with the video in this email. Please feel free to REACH OUT with any questions and to schedule a consultation to SUPPORT you during this time of PROFOUND RESET.


Heather Elizabeth

Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,


I write to you with a heart AWARE that Thanksgiving looks and feels very different this year...just as everything has looked and felt different this year. As WE HONOR the feelings of grief, loss, and disappointment due to the myriad of changes WE continue to navigate, may WE EMBRACE the opportunity to dive deep into the richness of what it means to GIVE THANKS.


This holiday season ( and 2020 in general) beckons US to CREATE new traditions that are more about the inward, contemplative process vs. the 'busy doingness' of  previous years gone by.

WE RECOGNIZE NOW more than ever the preciousness of this fragile human existence. WE RECOGNIZE that the simple act of breathing is a PROFOUND GIFT. 

You may be called to paint, write, dance, and/or sing what you are GRATEFUL for, simply because you can.

You may feel drawn to offer GRATITUDE to yourSelf for ALL you have ENDUREd to arrive in this space of NOW. 

You may BE INSPIRED to share your GRATITUDE with LOVED ONES to let them know what you APPRECIATE about them.

You may feel drawn to offer THANKSGIVING to our Indigenous Relatives across time and space for their WISDOM TEACHINGS about how to live in REVERENCE and SACRED RECIPROCITY with ALL that IS.


You may feel GUIDED to step outside and GIVE THANKS to Mother Earth for ALL she selflessly provides for US every moment of every day of every year.


And if you feel able to, perhaps offer GRATITUDE for the lessons of this unprecedented year of 2020 with the knowing that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

With deep bows of GRATITUDE and RESPECT to and for you, 

Heather Elizabeth


Scorpio SUPER New Moon Ceremony

Scorpio SUPER New Moon Ceremony

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,


New Moon BLESSINGS to US ALL! BREATHE in this medicine of RENEWAL. 

In the SPIRIT of new beginnings, I AM INSPIRED to SHIFT how I offer the Moon forecasts from writing the message to sharing in Ceremony with you through video. 

I invite you to CREATE a quiet, PEACEful space for yourSelf to join me in ceremony to ALIGN with the POTENTIAL of this potent Scorpio SUPER New Moon. 


Heather Elizabeth

Samhain Taurus Full Moon 2020

Samhain Taurus Full Moon 2020

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

INFINITE BLESSINGS to ALL on this SACRED Samhain Taurus Full Moon.

I write to you with a HUMBLE and GRATEFUL heart in sharing that the last 48 hrs have been the most terrifying and MIRACULOUS of my life...

I left Broomfield on Wednesday a.m. with pups in tow and headed for Austin to CELEBRATE this SACRED time of the year which happens to BE the anniversary of moving to the Serrano Trail Sanctuary 7 years ago. I left earlier than JB so that I could make it to Austin in time for early voting!

As I drove into the Panhandle of Texas, I literally drove into the most intense snowstorm I have ever encountered. I was in a rural part of TX with nowhere to go but forward into the thick of ice and snow. My car met a patch of black ice, fishtailed, spun around, and hit the guardrail- twice. By the GRACE OF GOD/DESS, I wasn’t severely hurt, the dogs were safe, and I somehow was able to drive another hour to Amarillo even though I learned the next day that the car is totaled.

Through the SUPPORT of ANGELS both seen and unseen, the dogs and I made the rest of the trip to Austin in time for me to vote before early voting ended. Never before have I felt the true meaning of a 'Sanctuary' on such a PROFOUND level. Although the physical journey is complete ( for now), my internal journey of processing and integrating this experience has just begun...I AM forever changed by those few moments in which I had to completely SURRENDER to my DESTINY.

My story is ONE of SWIFT RECALIBRATION. It is a microcosmic perspective of what is occurring across the globe for the entire family of humanity in this very moment of NOW. This is OUR MOMENT OF TRUTH.

The convergence of a Full Moon on the ENERGETIC APEX of what is known as 'the Season of the Witch' is more POWERFUL than our minds can ever conceive of. This is a RARE occurrence (the last time was in 1944). The ALCHEMY that is taking place within each of US reaches across ALL timelines and dimensional realities. WE are shedding the skin of the illusions that have kept US trapped in the perpetual historical hamster wheel of fear and corruption. The Patriarchal paradigm is being laid to rest. May WE ALLOW it to die a good death...

Join US for a very SPECIAL 'How to BE GROUNDED' Circle in HONOR of the ANCESTORS this Monday, November 2nd, Dia de Los Muertos/ALL SOULS Day, at 8:00 p.m. CST/7:00 p.m. MT.


Heather Elizabeth

Libra SUPER New Moon 2020 Forecast

Libra SUPER New Moon 2020 Forecast

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

On this Libra SUPER New Moon, just weeks away from the most POWERFUL election of our lifetime(s), WE have before US the opportunity to BE the fulfillment of the dreams of our Ancestors. Behind the smoke and mirrors of the narratives of the old paradigm, TRUE JUSTICE, EQUALITY, and UNITY are at our fingertips...

The road to arrive at this NOW moment has been long and arduous, yet HERE WE ARE, at the precipice of what can BE the Golden Age of our experience of BEing human. A key to crossing the threshold is recognizing that any illusion of unworthiness of true SOVEREIGNTY is just illusion. For LIBERATION exists for US always has and always will. It is our DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT, freely given by the Creator who experiences itSelf through every single ONE of US.

WE have before US the opportunity to claim this innate SOVEREIGNTY. It is merely a WILLingness to SURRENDER to a UNIVERSAL TRUTH that ALL BEings ARE CREATED EQUAL. As WE EMBRACE this TRUTH, the veil of illusion of how humanity has divided itself from ONE another disappears. The win/lose game is TRANSFORMed into win/win...oppression into inclusion...prejudice into UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

All MANIFESTATIONS begin with an INTENTION. The Cosmic medicine is BEing offered to US, right here right NOW, to INTEND for EQUALITY to BE our 'new normal'. Will you IMAGINE this to BE so, Dear ONE? Will you hold this INTENTION in your heart and take COMPASSIONATE ACTION to DREAM this into reality?

Today's Libra SUPER New Moon is holding SACRED SPACE for the voice of the DIVINE FEMININE to continue to RISE UP as ADVOCATES for the New Earth through the next EVOLution of the Women's March this weekend. ALL in DIVINE TIMING as Libra is the GREAT EQUALIZER who reminds US that taming the mind to BE an ALLY can bring the BALANCE WE SEEK for ourSelves and our BELOVEd planet.

BE MINDFUL of how you focus your INTENTIONs over the coming days and weeks leading UP to the election... RELEASE the conditioned mind's need to make someone 'right' and someone 'wrong', or someone the 'winner' and someone the 'loser'. As a Collective family of humanity, WE have suffered too much for far too long to continue coCREATING more of the same. This is our opportunity to MANIFEST LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL in the most SACRED of ways. This is our chance to know on the deepest of levels what it means to BE UNITED.

And so it IS. And so may it always BE NOW and evermore...


-Alice Paul, American suffragist, feminist, and women's rights activist


Heather Elizabeth

Aries Full Moon Forecast

Aries Full Moon Forecast

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There is no denying that the EVOLutionary stakes have never been higher...certain narratives want US to believe that this is about ONE particular person or political party, yet in reality, it is UP to you, me, and WE. How WE CHOOSE to focus our individual and Collective INTENTIONS is what truly determines the fate of our nation and therefore our world.

This TRUTH may feel daunting, yet it has within it an EMPOWERing AWARENESS that WE have a crucial role in what is being coCREATEd. You are not helpless in what is unfolding on the planet, Dear ONE. You are POWERFUL beyond measure and NOW is your moment to reCLAIM your CREATIVE POWER OF INTENT.

Our time has come to EMBODY the interCONNECTedness and interdependence of ALL. What you think, feel, say, and do matters! Your willingness to CHOOSE to IMAGINE a PEACEFUL, COMPASSIONATE, LOVING, INCLUSIVE world positively impacts ALL who call Mother Earth home NOW and for the generations to come.

The Cosmos are GIFTing US not just ONE but two Full Moons as WE journey through these weeks leading UP to the election. This is FIERCE yet NURTURING medicine for RELEASING fixed beliefs and worn-out conditioning that are begging to BE put to rest. LET IT GO.

Today's Full Moon in Aries reminds you that the Fire elemental is your ALLY. When offered RESPECT and REVERENCE, he provides the tools of TRANSMUTATION of what no longer serves so that your EVOLutionary path is ILLUMINATED. Fire GUIDES you to ALIGN your will with DIVINE WILL. NOW is our moment to invite the human ego to move to the passenger seat and ALLOW SPIRIT to take the wheel.

Place a hand over your heart and a hand on your belly and BREATHE. Feel the DIVINE partnership between your heart and your will. When WE CHOOSE THE PATH OF THE HEART WE will experience HEAVEN ON EARTH.

BE a part of the SOULution!


Heather Elizabeth

September Equinox 2020

September Equinox 2020


BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Equinox BLESSINGS to ONE and ALL!

WE have arrived at a cardinal POWER point within the turn of the wheel of Mother Earth's ASCENSION journey...and what a crossroads it is...There is no denying that humanity is walking a tight rope that can easily tip in ONE direction or another...

As AWAKENing BEings, we know that to maintain our BALANCE, WE must stay grounded and focused on our INTENTION for this unprecedented moment in our EVOLutionary UNITE for the GOOD OF THE WHOLE. The whole BEing ALL creatures GREAT and small...ALL Relations across Mother Earth...Mother Earth herSelf... It is imperative that WE stay ALIGNed with this INTENTION and proceed as if our lives depend on coCREATING PEACE...because they do.

The medicine of the Equinox GIFTs US the rememberment that WE are capable of holding the tension of the shadows and and night...Masculine and Feminine...the darkness of Winter and the ILLUMINATION of Summer...

WE are capable of navigating it ALL because WE are it ALL...To EMBODY HARMONY is to EMBRACE the polarities within yourSelf and 'others'.

The prison of dualistic thinking has resulted in war, inequality, oppression, brutality, and domination of Mother Earth and her children. This Equinox portal begs you to FREE YOUR MIND from the illusion of separation and feel yourSelf RETURN TO WHOLENESS as a fully INTEGRATEd BEing.

As WE walk through the Equinox gateway leading US into the final moons of 2020, may you ask yourSelf, "How can I BE the PEACE I wish to see in the world?" "Where can I best serve our Collective INTENTION to HEAL and UNIFY?" TRUST the answers you RECEIVE and DEDICATE yourSelf to answering the clarion call in the ways that only you can, for you have a unique role to PLAY in BIRTHing the New Earth.



Heather Elizabeth

Virgo New Moon Forecast

Virgo New Moon Forecast

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

260 days ago the world was saying goodbye to the last decade while simultaneously IMAGINING what 2020 would hold...Many of US were embracing the mantra of '2020 VISION'. WE felt eager anticipation about the CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY that was possible in the new decade BEing BIRTHED.

Little did WE know, waiting in the wings to SUPPORT our quest for CLARITY was a global pandemic, ruthless wildfires, and an outpouring of outrage focused on the centuries' old pattern of white colonialism and its hideous capacity to perpetuate oppression, discrimination, and inequality throughout the generations...

Within the RHYTHMIC FLOW of Natural Time, 260 days signals a cycle of reBIRTH symbolized by the 9 moon gestation cycle of a human BEing. It is PURPOSEFUL and PROFOUND that the Virgo New Moon is converging with the completion of the first phase of this new decade...

Virgo's earth-based medicine ACTIVATEs the MASTER TEACHER/HEALER within. Virgo reminds you of the TRUTH that each step of your journey is an opportunity to HEAL, TRANSMUTE, and TRANSFORM outdated conditioning and beliefs that separate you from yourSelf and 'others'.

Is it fair to say the Universe has CREATEd an abunDANCE of 'time' for you to PAUSE and REFLECT over these past 9 moons?? What if this was DIVINEly designed to SUPPORT our INTENTION to CLEAR the EVOLutionary pathway of the barriers of dualistic thinking that keep US chained to the shackles of the past?

'History repeats itself' is a mantra of the old paradigm...

'WE ARE THE coCREATORS OF THE NEW EARTH' is the mantra of NOW. Virgo beckons you to BE methodical in ALIGNing with the invitation to EVOLve that is before you.

Harness the medicine of this New Moon by REFLECTing upon the WISDOM you have gained from the last 9 Moons. Virgo LOVEs her lists, so if it speaks to your heart, CREATE a list of what SUPPORTs your EVOLution (what INSPIRES, EMPOWERS, and enCOURAGEs you). As you CONNECT with your list, BE CURIOUS about how you can bring more of these experiences into your daily life as you take the next steps of your Hero/SHEro's journey.

On a separate piece of paper, make a list of what tends to lower your vibration and keep you stuck. How can you reduce your exposure to these things? Less news and/or social media? Disengaging from political arguments? Refraining from judgments of Self and 'others'? IMAGINE this list growing smaller and smaller as you CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to continue to CLEAR the cobwebs of the old paradigms from your path as you EMBODY the 2020 VISION you know in your heart is possible...


Heather Elizabeth

Pisces Full Moon Forecast

Pisces Full Moon Forecast


BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Our Harvest Full Moon has arrived, bringing with her waves of opportunities to INTEGRATE the INTENSITY of e-motional energy 2020 has provided thus far. If the thought of this prospect feels overwhelming, you are invited to LET GO of the thinking and LEAN IN to feeling.

You are well-equipped to NAVIGATE the terrain of your e-motional Self...Humans are FEELing BEings by nature...Any resistance, fear, and/or deflection of your feeling nature are ego-based defense mechanisms. Your Soul knows you chose this human journey to experience yourSelf through the myriad of feelings you are DIVINELY DESIGNED to feel.

Grandmother Moon in Pisces invited you to dive deep into the ocean of your subconscious. This is the moment when you REMEMBER that not only can you tread water, you can BREATHE underwater, just as the mythological mermaid REFLECTs. WE ARE THE LIVING MYTH, thus these characters are metaphors of our own ways of BREATHE through each wave of feeling that is washing over you, Dear ONE. If you resist, the waves will only become bigger, and bigger...

Under the LIGHT of this Pisces Full Moon, CHANNEL your CREATIVITY as medicine for riding the waves of your feeling nature. As feelings ARISE, BE CURIOUS as to how you are called to CONSCIOUSly EXPRESS them. Is it through journaling? Painting? Drawing? Sound? Movement? Your CREATIVE ESSENCE is a tool to SUPPORT the processing and integration of ALL that is pouring forth from your feeling nature.

ALLOW yourSelf to BE PRESENT with the POWER of what this SACRED aspect of your BEing has to offer...The PEACE you SEEK lies on the other end of the next wave of e-motion...and the next ONE...and the next ONE...


Heather Elizabeth

Leo New Moon Forecast: COURAGE is Contagious

Leo New Moon Forecast: COURAGE is Contagious


BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

INFINITE BLESSINGS on this Leo New Moon! In the realm of Natural time, WE are experiencing the first New Moon of the Galactic year of the Blue Lunar Storm that began on July 26th. 

Our BELOVEd Leo ally is coming in with a ROAR to remind you of the ABUNDANCE of COURAGE you possess to carry you through the storms of the EVOLutionary journey upon US. COURAGE is not the absence of fear, yet the willingness to look fear in the eye and KEEP GOING COME WHAT MAY... 

Take a deep breath and REFLECT back upon the DETERMINATION it has taken for you to have navigated these last many moons of 2020. NOW, take another deep breath and stand in AWE of ALL you have ENDUREd over your lifetime! If that isn't LionHEARTed bravery, I don't know what is!

Under the BRILLIANCE of this Leo New Moon, you are EMPOWERed to EMBRACE your MAGNIFICENCE like never before. You have the capacity to EMBODY both GRIT AND GRACE which adds INFINITE fuel to the fire of your WILLingness to heed the EVOLutionary call of TRANSFORMATION...

And for the moments when you need some additional's some advice from our favorite Lion King, Simba:

*When self-doubt creeps in, look to your tribe to remind you of who you really are.

*Your Ancestors are always with you...listen for their messages on the wind and see them in the stars.

*Nature REFLECTs the cyclical pattern of life's journey...endings CREATE space for new beginnings.

*It's always a good idea to SEEK GUIDANCE from a TRUSTED ALLY.

*CREATE space for self-care, like swimming in the creek or taking long naps in the SUN.

*When ALL else fails, sing 'HAKUNA MATATA' at the top of your lungs and feel your vibration SHIFT from fear to JOY!

Heather Elizabeth