BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,


I write to you with a heart AWARE that Thanksgiving looks and feels very different this year...just as everything has looked and felt different this year. As WE HONOR the feelings of grief, loss, and disappointment due to the myriad of changes WE continue to navigate, may WE EMBRACE the opportunity to dive deep into the richness of what it means to GIVE THANKS.


This holiday season ( and 2020 in general) beckons US to CREATE new traditions that are more about the inward, contemplative process vs. the 'busy doingness' of  previous years gone by.

WE RECOGNIZE NOW more than ever the preciousness of this fragile human existence. WE RECOGNIZE that the simple act of breathing is a PROFOUND GIFT. 

You may be called to paint, write, dance, and/or sing what you are GRATEFUL for, simply because you can.

You may feel drawn to offer GRATITUDE to yourSelf for ALL you have ENDUREd to arrive in this space of NOW. 

You may BE INSPIRED to share your GRATITUDE with LOVED ONES to let them know what you APPRECIATE about them.

You may feel drawn to offer THANKSGIVING to our Indigenous Relatives across time and space for their WISDOM TEACHINGS about how to live in REVERENCE and SACRED RECIPROCITY with ALL that IS.


You may feel GUIDED to step outside and GIVE THANKS to Mother Earth for ALL she selflessly provides for US every moment of every day of every year.


And if you feel able to, perhaps offer GRATITUDE for the lessons of this unprecedented year of 2020 with the knowing that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

With deep bows of GRATITUDE and RESPECT to and for you, 

Heather Elizabeth
