
BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

INFINITE BLESSINGS on this Leo New Moon! In the realm of Natural time, WE are experiencing the first New Moon of the Galactic year of the Blue Lunar Storm that began on July 26th. 

Our BELOVEd Leo ally is coming in with a ROAR to remind you of the ABUNDANCE of COURAGE you possess to carry you through the storms of the EVOLutionary journey upon US. COURAGE is not the absence of fear, yet the willingness to look fear in the eye and KEEP GOING COME WHAT MAY... 

Take a deep breath and REFLECT back upon the DETERMINATION it has taken for you to have navigated these last many moons of 2020. NOW, take another deep breath and stand in AWE of ALL you have ENDUREd over your lifetime! If that isn't LionHEARTed bravery, I don't know what is!

Under the BRILLIANCE of this Leo New Moon, you are EMPOWERed to EMBRACE your MAGNIFICENCE like never before. You have the capacity to EMBODY both GRIT AND GRACE which adds INFINITE fuel to the fire of your WILLingness to heed the EVOLutionary call of TRANSFORMATION...

And for the moments when you need some additional's some advice from our favorite Lion King, Simba:

*When self-doubt creeps in, look to your tribe to remind you of who you really are.

*Your Ancestors are always with you...listen for their messages on the wind and see them in the stars.

*Nature REFLECTs the cyclical pattern of life's journey...endings CREATE space for new beginnings.

*It's always a good idea to SEEK GUIDANCE from a TRUSTED ALLY.

*CREATE space for self-care, like swimming in the creek or taking long naps in the SUN.

*When ALL else fails, sing 'HAKUNA MATATA' at the top of your lungs and feel your vibration SHIFT from fear to JOY!

Heather Elizabeth