The opening of the Gregorian year of 2023 brings with it unprecedented opportunities to harness the WISDOM from rEVOLutionary Ancestors such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and John Lennon to SUPPORT our initiative to BE THE PEACE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Natural cycles reflect that WE are NOW revisiting the energetics of 1971 (Mayan Lunar Calendar) and 1963 (Chinese Lunar Calendar). Both of these times in history were incredibly influential upon humanity's AWAKENING to the potentialities to coCREATE a PEACEFUL, EQUITABLE, EMPATHIC, and JUST reality for ALL. IMAGINE what is possible NOW!

I AM HONORED to invite you to become a member of the SHINE 13 Moon Council. This Council is gathering for a live virtual Ceremonial Activation Circle on or around each Full Moon. Full Moons are times of completion in which our SACRED FEMININE POWERS of INTUITIVE SIGHT, VIVID DREAMING, and E-MOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE are heightened. As a Council UNITED in our call to BE a LOVING, HEALING PRESENCE for ourSelves and our world, WE are harnessing the energies of the Full Moons to ATTUNE, AWAKEN, and ACTIVATE ourSelves into FULL EXPRESSION of our personal and Collective DIVINE MISSIONS.   

In addition to the live Virtual Circles, I AM sharing audio, video, and written transmissions specifically for the 13 Moon Council that will SUPPORT you in HARMONIZING with Cosmic ASCENSION cycles and ALIGNING with archetypal imprints of the DIVINE Human which are ready to be born within you! 

By choosing to join the SHINE 13 Moon Council, you will RECEIVE the EVOLutionary navigation tools needed to FLOW with the winds of change with EASE, GRACE, LOVE, TRUST, HARMONY, CONNECTION, and JOY... You will be joining hearts with a Council of INCREDIBLE SOULS who are ready, willing, and able to EMBODY the SACRED path of PEACE BUILDERS.