BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Today, March 20th (Solar Moon Day 14, Kin 96 Yellow Overtone Warrior) is the March 'Vernal' Equinox, by far ONE of the most POWERFUL days of the year. For eons of 'time', our ANCESTORS have CELEBRATED this passage as a Cosmic moment of ASCENSION, in which Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants are flooded with the LIGHT of our GREAT Central SUN.

To say that the energies of this Equinox Portal are intense is putting it mildly...As more LIGHT continues to flood Mother Earth, the darkness REVEALS itself...a darkness that has been part of our Collective reality for centuries. The continued denial, repression, and gas lightning of this darkness will only give it more fuel for its fires of devastation and destruction...

NOW is humanity's moment to see the darkness for what it truly is and vow to do the HEALING work necessary to TRANSMUTE and TRANSFORM it once and for ALL.

This HEALING work is not for the faint at is the work of the Lion HEARTed...the SPIRITual Warriors who are willing to HARNESS the COURAGE to STAND UP for the REALIZATION of SACRED SOVEREIGNTY FOR ALL ADVOCATE for the RETURN of REVERENCE for ALL LIFE...

The road ahead is a long ONE, yet I can share with complete certainty that WE indeed were born for these times...

May WE BECOME LOVE IN ACTION...the EMBODIMENT of the PRAYERS of our ANCESTORS...the PROMISE of LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL...the HOPE of the generations to come...

In Lak'ech ( I AM another yourSelf),

Heather Elizabeth