My Call to ADVENTURE:  Aquarian Full Moon Forecast

My Call to ADVENTURE: Aquarian Full Moon Forecast


BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

My offering of the Full Moon Forecast is a bit different this cycle for I AM EMBRACING Grandmother Moon's medicine to share some BIG news with you!

The next EVOLution of my SHEro's journey is calling my family and me to migrate to Colorado! After fifteen PROFOUND rEVOLutionary years back in Texas, my Soul is yearning for reBIRTH in the form of taking yet another LEAP OF FAITH.

The AWARENESS of this SHIFT within mySelf and therefore my 'outer' reality has come through an ABUNDANCE of moments of REFLECTION and CONTEMPLATION this 'global pause' has enCOURAGEd. 

The answer to my Soul's CALL TO ADVENTURE has also come as a result of my willingness to SURRENDER to the law of impermanence. My grief journey in releasing the physical form of my PRECIOUS canine companion, Gus, has been a PROFOUND catalyst in the process of deepening my willingness to adhere to the eternal spiral of endings that CREATE SACRED SPACE for new beginnings. 

The answer to my CALL TO ADVENTURE was met with a resounding 'Yippeee!' from the Universe which has resulted in a quickening of the SHIFT. WE are heading for the GLORIOUS Rocky Mountains at the end of August (Lunar Moon of Challenge), just in 'time' to behold the turning of the Aspen leaves to GOLD.

MUCH more to come...Yet in this NOW moment of the first Full Moon of the new Galactic year of the Blue Lunar Storm, I AM GUIDED to ask, what is YOUR CALL TO ADVENTURE?

You have been traversing the INITIATIONS of these unprecedented times for many moons...

You NOW have a deeper UNDERSTANDING of who you are and what you hold TRUE as PRECIOUS COMMODITIES of your Hero/SHEro's journey. Beyond the distractions of fear-mongering propaganda, the TRUTH of who you are as an AWAKENing BEing is beckoning you to EMBRACE your next level of EXPANSION. 

Under the LIGHT of this Aquarian Full Moon, TRUST that by ALIGNing with your best and HIGHEST good, you are contributing to the GOOD OF THE WHOLE. ALLOW the TRANSFORMATIVE medicine of this Full Moon to clear the chaos and confusion so you can ALIGN with your SUPERPOWER of DISCERNMENT. You are the ONE you have been waiting for...

In Lak'ech ( I AM another yourSelf),
Heather Elizabeth💗🌎✌️🧙

Cancer New Moon Forecast

Cancer New Moon Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

WE have arrived at the final New Moon of this Galactic year of the White Magnetic Wizard. WE begin a new Galactic year in just a few days. The energy of RENEWAL is palpable...

WE are BEing GIFTed a second New Moon in Cancer during this season of the 'global pause', thus the Cosmic spotLIGHT is on our capacity to EMBODY the CREATIVE ESSENCE of the DIVINE FEMININE. Cancer is the Water elemental in ALL her GLORY, known in Esoteric Circles as 'The Mother'. 

PURIFICATION...FLOW...INTUITION...NURTURANCE...COMPASSION. This medicine is pouring forth from Source straight to your heart. All you need to do is BE OPEN and RECEIVE.

The DIVINE Mother reminds you of the MIRACULOUS CREATIVE POWER of Source that lives with you. You are a child of the Universe, CREATEd in the likeness of SPIRIT. It is your DIVINE BIRTHright to THRIVE. As the old systems of lack, fear, and separation are BEing dismantled, you are invited to BE a CONSCIOUS coCREATOR of the New Earth, beginning with YOU.

How are YOU INSPIREd to CREATE your life from this moment forward? It is in your DIVINE nature to experience SOVEREIGNTY as SPIRIT in human form.  SOVEREIGNTY is REMEMBERING your POWER OF INTENTION to paint the SACRED canvas of your life as you CHOOSE to. Your thoughts, words, e-motions, and ACTions are your tools...Harness this MAGNIFICENT MEDICINE of the Cancer New Moon to ACCEPT the TRUTH that YOU and only YOU are the AWAKENed ARTESIAN of your PRECIOUS life.

Your MASTERPIECE is waiting to BE BIRTHed...  


Heather Elizabeth


Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Forecast

Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Forecast

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ATONEMENT: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

NOW is our unprecedented opportunity to reDEFINE what INDEPENDENCE means to US as an EVOLving family of humanity. Gone are the days where WE unconsciously allow history to repeat itself over and over and over again... WE know better and WE must do better...

FORGIVENESS is a SPIRITual practice intertwined with walking the path of Christ CONSCIOUSNESS. In its purest form, it holds the capacity to TRANSFORM the most horrendous atrocities through the VIBRATIONs of LOVE, COMPASSION, and GRACE. FORGIVENESS LIBERATES US from the shackles of the past, FREEing US to access our capacity to coCREATE an EQUAL, JUST, and UNITED world for ALL SENTIENT BEings.

If you've been paying ATTENTION to the unfolding of events over the last few moons (and 400+ years), you are AWARE of the need for the SACRED practice of FORGIVENESS for the ways humanity has allowed the illusion of separation to condone oppression, discrimination, and marginalization.

There are no 'accidents' when it comes to Universal ALIGNments, thus WE TRUST the DIVINE ORDER of the third and final Eclipse of Summer 2020 converging with INDEPENDENCE Day. It is no secret that this 4th of July is unique to any other as it is occurring during the global pause. ALL usual distractions have fallen away, CREATING SPACE for deep contemplation of how each of US can contribute to the LIBERATION OF ALL humanity.

In order to fully LEAN INto the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES before US, WE get to harness the medicine of the Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse to BE COMPASSIONATE CONDUITS for the HEALing of this country and the world.

Instead of unconsciously engaging in barbecues, beer-drinking, and fireworks, WE have a PRECIOUS moment of AFFIRM the necessity for ATONEMENT...and to COMMIT to BEing a CONSCIOUS participant in the MOVEMENT of coCREATING a reality in which everyONE is truly FREE...


Heather Elizabeth💗🌏✌️

June SOULstice Weekend Forecast

June SOULstice Weekend Forecast

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

HERE WE FLOW...The turn of the wheel of the SOULstice...Cancer New Moon...Solar Eclipse...Each of these Cosmic events is POWERFUL in their own rite...TOGETHER they CREATE a TRINITY of MAGNIFICENT MEDICINE that is an unstoppable force of TREMENDOUS TRANSFORMATION...And Dear ONEs, WE ARE READY.

In full TRANSPARENCY of the challenges of navigating changes of EPIC PROPORTION, there is no turning back NOW. The New Earth is here...SHE is ready...WE can either EVOLve with her or BE left behind in the wake of the storm. The choice is yours. You were born for these times. YOU ARE an EVOLutionary. The depths of your COURAGE and RESILIENCE are beyond measure. Own it. EMBRACE it. Join the rEVOLution.

It is time to harness your capacity to EMBODY SPIRITual maturity and dig in deep. It ain't pretty. It ain't easy. Yet it is LIBERATING! WE know you feel the weight of centuries of conditioning that goes against everything your heart tells you is true about yourSelf...about humanity...about UNITY...The energies SURROUNDing you and within you are DIVINEly designed to EMPOWER you to TRANSMUTE the density of fear, discrimination, oppression, inequality, and the illusion of separation.

WE must face the darkness of the old narrative in order to write the story of PEACE, COMPASSION, and ONENESS for ALL.

BREATHE in the PROFUNDITY of the New Moon in the sign of Cancer 'The Mother'. Feel the NURTURING arms of the DIVINE FEMININE holding you as you do what so desperately needs to BE done. There is no blame...ONLY LOVE...

RECEIVE the LIGHT frequencies raining down through the SOULstice portal. Feel the ANCESTORS across time and space standing with you as WE witness the dawning of a new reality. Behold the GRATITUDE BEing offered to you from the generations to come, as they HONOR you for a job well done.

ALIGN with the RADICAL RESET pouring forth from this EPIC eclipse. ALLOW the CATALYTIC energy to surge through your BEing as it shakes UP and out ALL that hinders you while ACTivating the ANCIENT codes that remind you of the TRUTH of who you are...YOU ARE an EVOLutionary. RISE AND SHINE...

May PEACE PREVAIL upon our Mother Earth
Heather Elizabeth

Sagittarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Forecast

Sagittarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Forecast

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BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

WE THE many times have you uttered those words? I know for me, it is too many to count, yet in this NOW moment in humanity's rEVOLution, I AM beginning to truly understand the POWER of this COLLECTIVE INTENTION. I AM AWARE of the FIERCE LOVE, RADICAL SOLIDARITY, and COMPASSIONATE ACTION it will take for this INTENTION to BE MANIFESTED.

As ONE who is on a path of CONSCIOUS EVOLution, I IMAGINE, you, too, are experiencing this as well. The term 'WAKE UP call' barely scratches the surface of what WE are experiencing. It is INTENSE. It is PROFOUND, and Dear ONEs, it is TIME. WE THE PEOPLE are invoking this rEVOLution or it wouldn't BE happening. AWAKENing Humanity is ready to EMBODY the TRUTH of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. WE recognize it is going to take DEDICATION to DEEP HEALING work to MANIFEST THE DREAM of a PEACEFUL PLANET.

The Cosmos is offering US the celestial medicine WE need to fulfill this mission. Today, Friday, June 5th (Crystal Moon Day 7, Kin 68 Yellow Electric Star), Grandmother Moon in the sign of 'TRUTHSEEKING' Sagittarius is eclipsing the SUN and MOTHER EARTH, signaling a season of RESET, RECALIBRATION, and RECONSTRUCTION.

Sagittarius is a WARRIOR FOR JUSTICE, HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, and TRANSPARENT TRUTH. Sagittarius EMPOWERS you to SEEK TRUTHS that have been hidden from humanity for far too long. The spotLIGHT is SHINING on the injustices that have plagued people of color for centuries. Sag is here to remind you of your role in eradicating injustice, for it has no place in the New Earth that is BEing co-CREATEd. 

The Summer 2020 Eclipse Season holds a rare CONVERGENCE of a trinity of Eclipses. Today, WE enter the energetic portal that takes US on a journey of TRANSFORMATION: DEATH, REVELATION, and RECLAMATION. If you are reading these words, you are choosing to BE a CONSCIOUS participant in this journey and for that, I offer you DEEP BOWS OF GRATITUDE AND RESPECT. 

Death can BE an ALLY for LIBERATION if you allow it to BE. You now have an unprecedented opportunity to shed deep layers of conditioning that have hindered your capacity to experience UNITY with ALL of humanity. As you RELEASE the toxic programming of inequality, you are BLESSED by the DIVINE DIVERSITY represented by your Relations of color. You, me, and WE DEVOTE ourSelves to this path of SOLIDARITY in SERVICE to our ANCESTORS, our HUMAN FAMILY, and the generations to come. 


May PEACE PREVAIL upon our Mother Earth🌏✌🏿
Heather Elizabeth

Gemini New Moon Forecast

Gemini New Moon Forecast

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense."

-Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi - 13th century,

Kin 100 Yellow Solar Sun

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

On this POWERFUL Gemini New Moon, you are invited to claim the 'CROWN' you have earned by navigating the 'Corona pandemic'. There is no road map for this unprecedented SHIFT, and you, yes YOU, have navigated it as best you can, from moment to moment. And so has every other human BEing...

The uncertainty...the losses...the fears...this global initiation has shaken US to the has uprooted our 'normal' and left US WONDERing who WE truly are and what this life is meant to has catapulted US into a kind of stillness that brings up the shadows of our CONSCIOUSNESS...a BEingness that WE have never known before...Death has been a constant companion, reminding US that WE cannot hide from the IMPERMANENCE of this human existence...

AND...WE have had space to listen, truly listen to the whispers of the witness Mother Nature's REMEMBER how fragile and PRECIOUS life reassess our values...what WE CHOOSE to define as 'success' BE GRATEFUL for the simple BLESSINGS of life like eating at our favorite restaurant, having coffee with friends, and the giving and RECEIVING of a hug...WE now know the simple things are not really simple...

WE now FEEL the interCONNECTEDness and INTERDEPENDENCE of ALL life...Our hearts are reaching across the globe to hold SACRED COMPASSIONATE SPACE for ONE another's journeys, for although they are unique, they are the same...WE are each unique BEings, yet WE ARE ONE...

Gemini medicine beckons you to RELEASE the trapping of dualistic thinking to EMBRACE the spectrum of unique perspectives. LET GO of the old paradigms that perpetuate shaming, blaming, and judging and STEP INTO the realm of polarities.

WE are ALL unique facets of the brilliant diamond that is SPIRIT in the form of matter. Gather the WISDOM you have gained throughout this initiation thus far to SUPPORT you in DISCERNing what is your TRUTH...only you can know what that is for you...

Ask yourSelf, "What are the new agreements I AM making with mySelf?." "How AM I choosing to CREATE my life from this moment forward?"...Listen for the answers and TRUST yourSelf, while ALLOWing your fellow BEings to do the same...

With deep bows of RESPECT and REVERENCE for the SOVEREIGN BEing that you are...


Heather Elizabeth

Wesak Scorpio SUPER Full Moon Forecast

Wesak Scorpio SUPER Full Moon Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

If my own journey of AWAKENing has taught me anything, it is that SURRENDERing is a way of BEing. In TRUTH, it is a SPIRITual practice. When my life circumstances became so unmanageable that I needed to SHIFT my perspective or wither away and become a shell of who I was born to BE, I chose to SURRENDER. I SURRENDERed to the promise of BEing LIBERATED from the prison of toxic patterns, limiting beliefs, and the illusion of control.

Was this process of SURRENDERing easy? Absolutely not. 

Was it scary? You better believe it...downright terrifying at times...

Did it involve letting go of people, places, and things that were important to me? Yes...and it broke my HEART OPEN...

Did I have to go through it alone? Thank goodness, no. TRUSTED ALLIES came to my aid time and time again.

Was it worth the multitude of moments of discomfort, pain, and loss? EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

I share this with you, Dear ONE, on the Eve of the AUSPICIOUS Wesak Scorpio SUPER Full Moon, to assure you that you, me, and the entire family of humanity are moving through such an AWAKENING. Even though our CONSCIOUS minds were not 'prepared' for this global initiation, deep down in the depths of our Souls, WE ARE READY, or it wouldn't BE happening...

The golden ticket to navigating this EPIC EVOLutionary EDUCATION is to BE with the unfolding of the AWAKENing journey, step by step...If you try to jump 'ahead', you will miss out on the nuggets of WISDOM that come from BEing PRESENT with yourSelf. If you stay stuck in the quicksand of what was, regret, resistance, and rationalization will have their way with you...please don't allow them to...

Under the LIGHT of this Scorpio 'Buddha' SUPER Full Moon, lean into the SACRED practice of SURRENDERing to the IMPERMANENCE of this grand adventure WE call BEing human. RECEIVE the medicine of LOVING KINDNESS which RADIATES from the heart of SPIRIT directly to the temple of your PRECIOUS HEART. Wherever you are within yourSelf in this NOW moment is exactly where you are meant to BE. BREATHE into it and know it shall pass with the next breath...

As the BELOVEd Buddha taught, enLIGHTenment can BE as simple as sitting under a tree and allowing the stillness to wash over you...

May the stillness bring you PEACE in the knowing that you, Dear ONE, are AWAKENing to your MAGNIFICENCE. And so it IS. And so shall it ever BE.

Heather Elizabeth

Taurus New Moon Earth Day Forecast

Taurus New Moon Earth Day Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

INFINITE BLESSINGS to US ALL on this Earth Day Taurus New Moon. In this NOW moment, I invite you to place a hand on your heart, close your eyes, and feel your feet CONNECTing with Mother Earth. Your feet are a SACRED aspect of your Root chakra, which can BE understood as the utmost human aspect of you. Just as the roots of a tree, plant, or flower, your root chakra grounds, stabilizes, and secures you to the GREAT MOTHER GAIA. From this place within yourSelf, you can experience a visceral AWAREness of your interdependent relationship with Mother Earth and ALL life upon her. Amidst our ever-changing reality, this bond holds steadfast and true.

Today, April 22nd, 2020 (Planetary Moon Day 19, Kin 24 Yellow Spectral Seed) is the 50th annual Earth Day CELEBRATION. Isn't it INCREDIBLE to realize that what began as a grassroots movement is NOW HONORED by 1 billion people across the globe??! IMAGINE what is possible NOW given what WE are ENDURING as a global family. Through this season of the PROFOUND PAUSE, WE are witnessing Mother Earth REGENERATING, HEALing, and BALANCING. SHE is reflecting what is occurring for the family of humanity as WE EMBRACE the unprecedented opportunity for EVOLution before US. 

As you feel the stability of your roots CONNECTing with the roots of Mother Earth, what new agreements are you willing to make with her, Dear ONE? What new agreements are you yearning to make with yourSelf? Perhaps during this time of PROFOUND PAUSE, you have already CREATEd new, UPLIFTing agreements for how you are CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING to live your life from this moment on. If so, harness this Earth Day New Moon medicine to SUPPORT you in anchoring these new INTENTIONs down into the heart of Mother Earth.

From your heart to hers, send LOVE, GRATITUDE, and APPRECIATION for ALL SHE PROVIDES, while committing to uphold a practice of REVERENCE for her, ALL BEings upon her, and especially for the fragile, PRECIOUS GIFT that is your life...

May PEACE PREVAIL upon our Mother Earth!🌏✌️
Heather Elizabeth💗🌏✌️💗🧙‍♀️

Libra SUPER Pink Full Moon 2020 Forecast

Libra SUPER Pink Full Moon 2020 Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

What a difference 28 days can make...The last SUPER Full Moon in Virgo (3/9/20) brought with her an INTENSITY which opened the portal for a GLOBAL INITIATION of EPIC proportions. During this last moon cycle, the 'social distancing'/shelter-in-place' mandate has become a way of life for billions. It is fair to say the Universe is insisting humans take the time to SLOW DOWN and go inward...

For a culture who is used to occupying themselves with countless distractions of 'doing', the call to go within is met with resistance and perhaps even paralyzing fear. When activities, identities, to-do lists, and escape routes are stripped away, you are left with yourself to content with.

I know this feels like uncharted, REALLY rugged territory, Dear ONEs. There is no instruction manual on how to navigate what is before US. WE are each writing our own storyline in the midst of the Collective story of 'the corona pandemic'...Rest easy in the KNOWledge today's SUPER Pink Full Moon in Libra invites you to ALIGN with the SACRED that is you.

This particular Full Moon is intertwined with the vibrations of the death, reBIRTH, and resurrection story of Yeshua, the CHRISTed ONE. The 'timing' of the 'Pink' Full Moon dictates when Easter SUNday will BE CELEBRATED from year to year.

Yeshua's story is a UNIVERSAL ONE, for WE ALL move through the death/reBIRTH cycle many times throughout the human journey. NOW is an unprecedented REFLECTION of this very TRUTH. His Master of LOVE ESSENCE is available to anyONE who feels GUIDED to CONNECT with his medicine. This is especially true during this Full Moon portal...

The Libra 'CHRISTED' Super Full Moon invites you to BE LIBERATED from thought patterns that create an imbalance within yourself. Most likely, you are becoming keenly AWARE of inner and outer messaging that disempowers and dysregulates. To BE completely TRANSPARENT, there is an abundance of messages in the Collective that have the capacity to do this very thing, thus it is prime 'time' to experiment with what you choose to fully digest and what you are called to RELEASE. 

Yeshua mirrored the BALANCE of the human and DIVINE/ Masculine and Feminine/HEART and WILL. NOW is our moment to lean into walking this path in ways that were not possible before this very moment in human his/herstory.

Under the LIGHT of this Full Moon, SURRENDER to the RADICAL reBIRTH upon US. Allow yourself to die to the old paradigms. Grieve what is lost, yet know what is BEing BIRTHed through WE is what was promised over 2,000 years ago...the MAGNIFICENCE of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

Heather Elizabeth💗🌏✌🏼🕉

Aries New Moon 2020 Forecast

Aries New Moon 2020 Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

A dear teacher, Lee Carroll/Kryon, defines enLIGHTenment as a 'willingness to see more'. I deeply RESONATE with this statement because it reminds US enLIGHTenment is accessible to anyONE who is open to it. When WE are CURIOUS about the 'bigger picture' of what is unfolding in our lives, the probability of a SPIRITual AWAKENing begins to take shape...

Breathe in the energy of this very AWAKENing, Dear ONE, for it is here. A grand reBIRTH is upon US. You have an unprecedented opportunity to reorganize your life to REFLECT your true SPIRITual values.

Wake UP calls are rarely smooth and easy, yet the abunDANCE of unbridled potential for CREATING HARMONY within yourSelf and your life is readily accessible if you choose to EMBRACE it. 

The PLAYing field is BEing leveled and you get to ALIGN with your heart's INTENTIONS like never before. This Aries New Moon is ACTivating your DIVINE WILL, the fire within. The medicine of DEVOTION, DETERMINATION, and DEDICATION are yours for the taking. 

On this New Moon, mine the gold of the hidden GIFTs of what is before you. SURRENDER to the still space that you find yourSelf in. Within the stillness lies the clarity you seek...

Join Heather Elizabeth & Mel Afflerbach LIVE for a New Moon Ceremony, TONIGHT, March 24th!

This New Moon in Aries is the FIRST New Moon of the season, WE feel it is so important for all of us to come together to honor new intentions, to break the seal of spring, and honor the medicine of NEW GROWTH. 🌸

This offering will be offered through ZOOM. Please be sure to drop us your email below in order to send you the link.

🔥| Class Vibes |🔥

• Restorative yoga postures
• Heart Chakra Breathwork + Meditation
• Heart Chakra Sound bath
• Heather Elizabeth guidance around the New Moon + Intention Setting
• Candle lighting ceremony


🌿Items Needed:

Be sure to have a journal, yoga mat, a tea light candle + lighter, meditation pillow or block.


This is a DONATION based offering. Heather Elizabeth & Mel will donate funds to a business or person in need. ♥️





Heather Elizabeth



BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

I write to you today with a heart broken wide open.  My PRECIOUS canine companion, best friend, protector, guardian, and firstborn, Gus, has left his physical form to return to SPIRIT.

His other Momma and I were HONORED to give him a BEAUTIFUL SACRED transition last SUNday, March 15th ( Solar Moon Day 9, Kin 246 White Crystal WorldBridger) surrounded by the unconditional LOVE and GRACE he offered everyONE he ever met.

I have few words at the moment, for the magnitude of e-motion I AM feeling NOW is beyond is like nothing I have ever felt before. I have never known a SOUL bond like the ONE that Gus and I have. He is my ANGEL, my SPIRIT GUIDE, my teacher of the GREATest LOVE I have ever known. The depths of the grief that I feel REFLECTs the sheer AWE of the LOVE that WE share. Many more words will come...what I do know is that reality as I have known it has completely changed. I will never ever BE the same...

 As a Collective family of humanity, WE are ALL moving through a MASSIVE initiation of change. This initiation has been building momentum over the years. I AM called to share what WE are experiencing NOW is a climactic chapter of how WE are writing the EPIC story of our EVOLution of CONSCIOUSNESS. Do WE write from a place of LOVE and TRUST or fear and panic? Each ONE of US gets to choose...

Today, March 19th (Solar Moon Day 13, Kin 250 White Electric Dog) is the March 'Vernal' Equinox, by far ONE of the most POWERFUL days of the year. For eons of 'time', our ANCESTORS have CELEBRATED this passage as a Cosmic moment of ASCENSION, in which Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants are flooded with the LIGHT of our GREAT Central SUN.

Our present circumstances are beckoning US to 'return to the Earth'... To CONNECT with Gaia in the ways that our ANCESTORS did. Today is a day to immerse yourSelf in Mother Nature's medicine. BEhold the BEAUTY that surrounds you. Listen to the songs of the birds. Lay on the Earth and BE RENEWED by her nurturing energy. RECEIVE the life-giving LIGHT of Father SUN. May you do this and BE this with a GRATEFUL heart, REMEMBERing that LOVE is what you are. LOVE is ALL that is TRUE and GOOD in this MAGNIFICENT Universe that you are a part of.

PEACE BE with you, Dear ONEs. PEACE BE with US ALL.🌎✌️ 


Kin 250 White Electric Dog

 'I ACTIVATE in order to LOVE


I seal the process of HEART
with the Electric tone of SERVICE

Gus has already told me that WE have much work to do TOGETHER.✨Amidst the profound grief, I feel him ALL around me.😇 His energy is MASSIVE. It always has been, even when he tried his best to contain it in that little Boston Terrier body. WE are NOW officially a package deal! Please know that I AM here to SUPPORT you through these unprecedented times that WE are navigating. I AM able to share SPIRITual GUIDANCE, COUNSELING, and ENERGY MEDICINE from the Quantum space.
Please reach out as you are called to.


Heather Elizabeth

Virgo Full Moon Forecast

Virgo Full Moon Forecast

BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Our second SUPER Full Moon in a series of four has arrived bringing with her a tidal wave of disruption to our seemingly 'ordered' reality. Within the MAGIC of numbers, four holds the vibration of form indicating that this tribe of Full Moons is offering US a way to redefine how WE relate to ourSelves and ONE another. 

Change is constant yet not necessarily smooth, thus as a Collective family of humanity, WE are navigating yet again another global initiation, this ONE in the form of a threat to our well-BEing. 

Fear and panic are natural human reactions to this threat...our overALL health is a PRECIOUS commodity, often taken for granted...This Full Moon in Virgo is encouraging you to pause...take a DEEP BREATH...and to lean into a different approach...Virgo as the DIVINE FEMININE 'Master Teacher' invites you to recognize the brilliant 'diamond' in this rather rough leg of the EVOLutionary journey...

The diamond BEing the unprecedented opportunity to REFINE your relationship to the heART of Self-CARE. Yes, it can start with MINDFUL washing of your hands, yet can go MUCH deeper with it if you choose to...

Under the LIGHT of this SUPER Full Moon, RELEASE any notion that Self-CARE is 'selfish', 'indulgent', or 'unnecessary'. EMBRACE the TRUTH that it is non-negotiable. The Universe is reminding you that not only is it necessary for your survival, but it also OPENs the PORTAL for the POTENTIAL of THRIVING.

Ask yourSelf today and every day, 'How can I take care of mySelf?', and listen for the answer. It can BE as simple as CREATING a few moments of stillness to taking a mental health day. By performing this act of KINDNESS for yourSelf, you are sending a HARMONIOUS VIBRATION out into the Collective. And for that, Dear ONE, WE ARE GRATEFUL.


Heather Elizabeth