BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Our second SUPER Full Moon in a series of four has arrived bringing with her a tidal wave of disruption to our seemingly 'ordered' reality. Within the MAGIC of numbers, four holds the vibration of form indicating that this tribe of Full Moons is offering US a way to redefine how WE relate to ourSelves and ONE another. 

Change is constant yet not necessarily smooth, thus as a Collective family of humanity, WE are navigating yet again another global initiation, this ONE in the form of a threat to our well-BEing. 

Fear and panic are natural human reactions to this threat...our overALL health is a PRECIOUS commodity, often taken for granted...This Full Moon in Virgo is encouraging you to pause...take a DEEP BREATH...and to lean into a different approach...Virgo as the DIVINE FEMININE 'Master Teacher' invites you to recognize the brilliant 'diamond' in this rather rough leg of the EVOLutionary journey...

The diamond BEing the unprecedented opportunity to REFINE your relationship to the heART of Self-CARE. Yes, it can start with MINDFUL washing of your hands, yet can go MUCH deeper with it if you choose to...

Under the LIGHT of this SUPER Full Moon, RELEASE any notion that Self-CARE is 'selfish', 'indulgent', or 'unnecessary'. EMBRACE the TRUTH that it is non-negotiable. The Universe is reminding you that not only is it necessary for your survival, but it also OPENs the PORTAL for the POTENTIAL of THRIVING.

Ask yourSelf today and every day, 'How can I take care of mySelf?', and listen for the answer. It can BE as simple as CREATING a few moments of stillness to taking a mental health day. By performing this act of KINDNESS for yourSelf, you are sending a HARMONIOUS VIBRATION out into the Collective. And for that, Dear ONE, WE ARE GRATEFUL.


Heather Elizabeth