BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,

Pisces New Moon BLESSINGS!

Have you noticed that your tolerance for 'small talk' is diminishing? Are you SEEKing MEANINGful CONNECTions with yourSelf and those around you? Do you FEEL drawn to SACRED spaces that cultivate the heART of BEingness?

If you are nodding yes to ONE or more of these questions, rest assured, you are exactly where you are meant to BE. What was once considered to BE 'touchy-feely' is BEcoming our 'new normal' as WE ride the waves of CONSCIOUS EVOLution TOGETHER. 

Our last SUPER Full Moon in Leo began a series of 4 SUPER Full Moons that are solidifying the AWAREness that 2020 is definitely inviting US to shed the layers of resistance to BEing the AUTHENTIC, VULNERABLE, HEART-CENTERED BEings that WE are. 

Humanity has been dipping its toes in the shallow waters of our Feminine subconscious for decades...NOW the Universe is LOVINGly tossing US into the deep end. The CONSCIOUS mind is not going to get US to where WE need to BE in order to HEAL and TRANSFORM. WE must dive into the depths of our e-motional selves in order to turn the lead of past pain and trauma into the gold of DIVINE WISDOM. 

Our Pisces ally reminds you that you have the capacity to do the HEALing work by channeling your COMPASSIONATE, INTUITIVE nature. You can find solace in the BEAUTY of your innate GIFT of feeling EMPATHY for yourSelf and the family of humanity. The challenges of the human condition are UNIVERSAL. You are never, ever alone in the e-motional initiations that you are navigating.

Harness this Pisces New Moon energy to INTEGRATE the waves of e-motional AWAREness that have come UP for you over the course of 2020 thus far. If you have been distracting yourself with the doingness of life, SLOW DOWN...CREATE SPACE to BE in nature... to meditate... to practice write... to draw... to paint... to sing... to dance...BE with yourSelf and ALLOW the alchemical HEALing process to take place. May you know in your heart that it is taking place within US ALL...

BE STILL and know that I AM God
BE STILL and know that I AM
BE STILL and know

Heather Elizabeth